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CA Dental Insurance, Slowing Down Tooth Decay

10/16/17 8:17 AM

Question: I went to the dentist and was told I have a large cavity in my back molar. At the time I was to go back in two weeks to do a full evaluation but it was looking like I would have needed a root canal and crown done.  I did not have it done at the time because I my insurance was not active. Some time has passed since then and now I do not have current insurance for dental.  Is there any way to slow down the tooth decay?

Answer: Short answer No.  The only way to stop the tooth decay is to have a dentist do the filling and or root canal. Brushing at this point will not “slow down the decay” However, there are dental insurance options that do not have waiting periods and will help you with the cost of your needed dental care.  I would suggest reviewing our dental HMO insurance plans or even our dental discount plans as an option to help save money and get your tooth fixed.

Posted on 10/16/17 8:17 AM | by California Dental | in Dental Insurance California | Comments Off on CA Dental Insurance, Slowing Down Tooth Decay

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